Member Profile : Jerome McCarthy


Eagle AC Member Profile:

Name: Jerome McCarthy

Member of Eagle AC since: November 2015

How long have you been running what made you take it up: I have been running since 2009, but I’ve been more committed to it since 2013. I started when my regular five a side game began to lose participants and I decided I needed to do something else to keep active.

Favourite thing about running: Its convenience – once you have your runners, shorts and t-shirt you can run anywhere at any time.

Favourite race distance to run: I like the half marathon, it’s a challenging endurance distance but is not as extreme and trying on the body as the marathon.

What is your main goal for this year: I’d like to run a PB in Charleville Half Marathon. Fingers crossed!

Your best race/most memorable racing moment to date: Dublin Marathon 2013 – It was my first marathon, and between my nervousness and excitement, and the thrill of being involved in such an event, it was an unforgettable experience. The day and night before were very wet and windy but conditions that morning were lovely for running, and the large crowds along the route were very supportive.

Tell us something most people might not know about you: My sporting ‘career’ began in coastal rowing with Rosscarbery Rowing Club.

Biggest heroes (sporting or non-sporting): I think that Tom Crean is a heroic individual. Not mentioning his dedication to the goal of reaching the south pole, stories about his participation on the expeditions tell of a man who saved the lives of more than one person through feats of endurance and daring.

One bit of advice you would give to someone thinking of taking up running: Arrange things so that each run is convenient to your routine.

3 things you would take with you onto a desert island: An Aston Villa news and results feed, a coffee machine, a tennis ball to roll my calves and glutes.